pens and papers

Friday, December 08, 2006

:) today was a productive day.

woke up at 9.45. early ho. eat breakfast. for once didnt have to endure my grandmother nagging of always waking up late. being lazy me, i took a cab to katong mall. having piano lesson. after the lesson, i and jess ( my piano teacher ) walked to pp. i wanted to buy a album while he wanted to go to the post office to transfer money. so we walked together. tok to him abt several things. haha. he is an interesting guy. veri cool. long hair, dyed, the jap feel. parted ways when we neared the post office.

and on came my search for the album. sigh. first went to sembawang. search search, cannot find. decided to skip gramophone and go to popular to find it. reached there. cannot find also. i was like so unhappy. legs starting to hurt. mi toe. decided to try one last time, gramophone. reached there. walked to the japanese music section. and guess what? i couldnt find it again. i was so pissed. being bored, i looked at the chinese music section for fun, and i found my cd. the album entitled " secrets" by ayumi hamasaki. im like wondering why is a japanese album in the chinese section. tsk tsk.

took a cab home. being lazy again.. heard the cd. not bad. beta than the previous one. slept abit. left hse at 3.00 for vs training. today's training attendance was crappy. two throwers, one pole vaulter and one sprinter. so coach decided to make us do 3 rounds around the sch rather than * fart leg* ( i have no idea how to spell it. but it sounds exactly like what i just typed. ) during the run, felt that stamina was pretty alright. my legs werent tired. no body pains. only could wear my heart gasping for air. but i think thats normal. maybe that means my stamina is better than be4 the holis? i hope so. so sick of being the last few during 2.4 km run. after the run was followed by stretching then gym. gym was fun too. now able to do the bicerp curls more smoothly. the bar weighed 2, 3 kg ? and the weights i used were 10 kg. so at most its 23 kg. do it with two hands. not light. heavy? abit ah. hope i can do it comfortabley by end of next week. im bored so i will describe the whole work out.

3 sets of bicerp curls
3 sets of leg press
3 sets of leg curl
3 sets of specific bench press
3 sets of power bench press
3 sets of * stick pull*? ( not sure what u call it. u pull a bar down from above, until behind u or in front
of u)
3 sets of indiviual exercise ( its for javelin throwers)
3 sets of ( no idea wad u call it. also don know how to describe it)
100 sit ups
3 sets of 10 jumps

was happy becoz i got to do so much gym. especially since im veri sure tomorrow training at bukit gombak will be mostly sprinting and speed base exercises. yup

after my training, headed home. smsing on the way. haha. csvb do gym. haha. and melanie got a cut on her finger. poor thing.

during the nitez. even though i was onlin chatting, smsing, and hearing music. i managed to do some hw. chemistry. wasnt that bad. i cld understand what the piece of paper was trying to tell me. :)

was packinig my cds. i arranged them on my bed. so i can put the cds in the case. cosi seperate the cds and the cases. so now im putting it back in.

this are the number of japanese cds i have. original :) however, the no. of cases i had didnt tally.

couldnt find many of the cases. apparently it some where in the hse. will to find it. sigh. so ma fan.

the ps2 game i want came out. but if i buy original, it will cost $99. so ex. sigh. have to consider my options.

anyway. got to sleep. bb

50 metres = my target


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